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Feb 9 - Does anyone need a ride?
Hi, I'm in the downtown area and will be driving up to ski if anyone would like to catch a ride? Hope to leave by around 11-11:30. Will be up there for 2 hours max. Gloria
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Hi, I'm in the downtown area and will be driving up to ski if anyone would like to catch a ride? Hope to leave by around 11-11:30. Will be up there for 2 hours max. Gloria
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Beautiful conditions and great grooming today! The route I did starting from Kallis was in good shape and it was snowing lightly, here's the recording on the Avenza app.
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My name is Jody. I am relatively new to Kelowna and love to snowshoe. I don't have a car and am hoping to carpool with other snowshoers. I live in downtown Kelowna but can easily uber to meet you. Would love to make some snowshoeing buddies!
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Another picture from Mona F.
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More pictures from Anita L.
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Lunch on the trail by Mona F.
Thanks for posting Jody! I am more of a skier than a snowshoer but will get in touch if I am going snowshoeing. It would be good to post this in the snowshoeing group as well. You might also look at joining the Meet up group "Central Okanagan Outdoors Club" as they sometimes have snowshoeing activities through the winter. Laurie