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Kelowna Nordic


Successful Year:

This has been a wonderful skiing and snowshoeing season at Kelowna Nordic.  It’s fantastic to see so many smiling faces on the trails.  Events have been well attended and appreciated.  People have come up to volunteers and directors with very positive messages of support. Day users have realized the importance of financially supporting our club to keep this valued community resource vibrant and viable.  Though the year-end financials are not complete, and our repair bills on our groomers are record highs, it looks like Kelowna Nordic is heading for a small surplus this year. 

Groomer Fundraising Campaign:

 We are so close to being able to purchase a new grooming machine that will ensure the viability of Kelowna Nordic for years to come.  We have determined that a machine that will meet our needs can be purchased for $590,000.  With our donations to date, and by taking our club’s contingency reserve to its absolute minimum, we need just $100,000 in donations to be able to purchase a new groomer. While $100,000 is a lot of money, your board is optimistic that with your support we can reach that goal by June 1.   A tax-deductible donation averaging just $150 by each of our members would get us to our goal and ensure that Kelowna Nordic continues to be the best winter community resource and people experience in the Okanagan. Please consider donating what you can.     

End of Season:    Skiing and snowshoeing conditions have been exceptional over the past week.  Like most clubs in B.C. we had a late start to the season.  Then conditions were great throughout the rest of the year.  However, now with the warmer temperatures, clubs across BC are announcing their closure dates.  Sovereign and SilverStar have announced closures after April 6. Telemark has announced that March 23 will be their last day open.  Kelowna Nordic intends to have the last day open as Sunday, March 30.  We will groom ski trails, weather permitting, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday until March 30.  However, very warm weather is forecast for next week, and it is looking unlikely we will be able to groom mid-week. 

We have had wonderful winter experiences.  I look forward to seeing you again on the trails next season.  Wishing each of you the very best.

Marshall Moleschi

KNSSC President


Kelowna Nordic held the first Grooming Machine FUNdraiser on Sunday, Feb 23rd, 2025.

We had over 60 participants in the ski and snowshoe tours and in the fabulous prize draw.

Gavin Dew, MLA from Kelowna-Mission was on hand to give us support and to help us steer through the government grant application process.

We now have raised over $117,000 towards the grooming machine replacement. The $ 117,000 includes ticket sales, 50/50 draw, corporate donations and over 160 donations from private individuals!

We would like to thank the following corporate donors for their support:

  • Doak Shirreff Lawyers LLP

  • Pushor Mitchell LLP

  • Callahan Property Group 

  • The Stober Foundation 

Lets also thank our great prize sponsors !

  • Kelowna Cycle

  • MEC

  • Stussi Sport

  • Loyli Floating Sauna

  • Ramada Inn

  • Fresh Air

  • Nordiq Canada

We also want to acknowledge the support from Bonanza Meats for providing the Smokies for the Barbeque. Bonanza Meats has been a great supporter of Kelowna Nordic for the last five years. Please drop in and say thank-you from all of us.

We also want to thank Phil Kotz from the Fish and Game club for the Archery Demo and Wendy from Sovereign for the laser rifle biathlon demo.

And finally a great thanks to all the volunteers that helped to make this a very successful, and tasty event!


KNSSC Vision, Mission and Values.


The KNSSC Board is focused on our fiduciary responsibility (legal responsibility to manage property and/or money) for the benefit of the club as required by the BC Societies Act.  Like other clubs, your board has developed Mission, Vision and Values statements.


VISION:  a growing, vibrant, sustainable community of outdoor enthusiasts who thrive on cross country skiing and snowshoeing in a pristine natural environment.


MISSION: fosters community, volunteerism and accessibility while maintaining quality trails and rustic facilities for sustainable, healthy winter activities which celebrate and respect the natural environment.


VALUES: integrity, sustainability, fun & fitness, volunteerism, respect for the environment, accessibility


As part of developing Strategic (big picture long term) Planning your board has also develops longer term Goals. To facilitate reaching those goals, your board is creating Objectives.  I would like to briefly share with you our work on your board’s “governance” responsibilities.


 Goals 2024-25

Increase Membership

1.     Increase Revenues

2.     Control Expenses

3.     Expand Volunteer Base


1.     Objectives to Increase Membership: Success – Increase membership Year over Year


Strategy                       Actions                                    Person  Progress                      Date

Increase Awareness


Press Releases


Started & ongoing

Year end

Advertises Club More Broadly

Approach Media for package

Marketing Committee Chair


Started & almost complete

Year end

Develop Partnerships with Other Organizations

1.     Approach other XC Clubs for Reciprocal agreements

2.     Partner with Big White



Started for both.  3 reciprocal agreements

Big White is advertising a discount at KN

Year end

Develop and Implement a Sales and Marketing Strategy


Have Marketing Committee develop a plan for the BoD to approve.

Marketing Committee Chair

Not yet started

Year end


I feel it is important for your board not only TO DO the things needed in fulfilling its responsibilities to you, but also to INFORM you about how the board is doing those things.


For more information go to:



KNSSC President

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