KNSSC Vision, Mission and Values.
The KNSSC Board is focused on our fiduciary responsibility (legal responsibility to manage property and/or money) for the benefit of the club as required by the BC Societies Act. Like other clubs, your board has developed Mission, Vision and Values statements.
VISION: a growing, vibrant, sustainable community of outdoor enthusiasts who thrive on cross country skiing and snowshoeing in a pristine natural environment.
MISSION: fosters community, volunteerism and accessibility while maintaining quality trails and rustic facilities for sustainable, healthy winter activities which celebrate and respect the natural environment.
VALUES: integrity, sustainability, fun & fitness, volunteerism, respect for the environment, accessibility
As part of developing Strategic (big picture long term) Planning your board has also develops longer term Goals. To facilitate reaching those goals, your board is creating Objectives. I would like to briefly share with you our work on your board’s “governance” responsibilities.
Goals 2024-25
Increase Membership
1. Increase Revenues
2. Control Expenses
3. Expand Volunteer Base
1. Objectives to Increase Membership: Success – Increase membership Year over Year
Strategy Actions Person Progress Date
Increase Awareness
| Press Releases | President | Started & ongoing | Year end |
Advertises Club More Broadly | Approach Media for package | Marketing Committee Chair
| Started & almost complete | Year end |
Develop Partnerships with Other Organizations | 1. Approach other XC Clubs for Reciprocal agreements 2. Partner with Big White
| President | Started for both. 3 reciprocal agreements Big White is advertising a discount at KN | Year end |
Develop and Implement a Sales and Marketing Strategy
| Have Marketing Committee develop a plan for the BoD to approve. | Marketing Committee Chair | Not yet started | Year end |
I feel it is important for your board not only TO DO the things needed in fulfilling its responsibilities to you, but also to INFORM you about how the board is doing those things.
For more information go to:
KNSSC President